To Your Health
August, 2014 (Vol. 08, Issue 08)
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I'd Like to Order Some Extra Calories...

By Editorial Staff

Make no bones about it: Eating out generally equates with poorer eating habits compared to eating at home, despite "advances" in the past few years in terms of healthier menu options. Case in point: a recent study that suggests people who eat at fast-food or sit-down (full-service) restaurants consume approximately 200 additional calories each day they do so.

The study, published in Public Health Nutrition, asked more than 12,000 adults ages 20-64 about their eating habits on two separate days as part of the latest National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. People who ate fast food consumed 194 extra calories a day compared to people who did not eat out; while people who ate at full-service restaurants consumed an additional 205 calories daily. Eating out also led to higher intake of saturated fat and particularly sodium compared to not eating out.

calories - Copyright – Stock Photo / Register Mark While fast food is certainly a convenience, and the sit-down restaurant is a time-honored tradition for many families, extra calories and other negative nutritional consequences may be the result. The bottom line: Treat eating out as just that – an occasional treat – and ensure the majority of your meals are prepared at home using fresh, whole foods. Talk to your doctor for more information.