October 13, 2009 [Volume 3, Issue 22] |
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Maximize Your Workout
Are you suffering from exercise advice overload? These days, there's so much information out there it's hard to know where to begin, much less how to maximize your current workouts. And just when you think you have it down and are making progress, your body adapts to the program you're on, leaving you searching for other options. Here are a few ways to maximize your workout the right way.
 | Dynamic Warm-Ups. The purpose of a dynamic warm-up is to prepare your body for your workout. Its value comes from taking your body through all the planes of functional human movement such as bending, twisting and rotating. Example exercises include squat to stand movements (10 reps), lateral lunges (10 reps), and reverse lunges with twist and overhead reach (five reps on each side). |
 | Interval Training. Studies have shown that about five minutes of high-intensity exercise, consisting of eight rounds of 20 seconds of exercise per round followed by 20 seconds off for recovery, is superior to 60 minutes of continuous cardio. Example exercises include plyometric pushups with plyometric squats (20 seconds between sets), front-squat push-presses (15 seconds on, 15 seconds off), and kettlebell swings (20 seconds on, 20 seconds off). |
 | Timed Workouts. This is a similar concept to interval training, except the "bursts" of exercise are longer and you're doing only working one major body part at a time, rather than performing a whole-body workout all at once. Example exercises (biceps workout) include dumbbell biceps curls (sets of 10 repetitions, each followed by 20 seconds of rest), straight bar curls (sets of 10 repetitions, each followed by 20 seconds of rest; and rope cable curls (sets of 10 repetitions, each followed by 20 seconds of rest. |
 | Body-Weight Super-Set Training. Super-setting is a technique in which you take an exercise targeted for a specific muscle group and immediately perform a similar exercise with no rest. With this technique, you don't use weights or machines for the second exercise. Example exercises: 1) Chest Combination: flat bench dumbbell presses (15 repetitions), super-setted with wide grip push-ups (25 repetitions). |
Notwithstanding the above suggestions, the most important component of maximizing your workout is actually a simple one, and it's completely under your control: desire. You have to push yourself with intensity and passion to improve your body. As with all new fitness and exercise programs, make sure you can physically tolerate the new routine. Always get a medical clearance and physical evaluation prior to any new intensive training program.
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Solving the Chronic Pain Puzzle
PAIN is a significant problem in our society, and the way too many of us deal with it, either by taking medication to temporarily relieve the pain or ignoring the pain altogether, foolishly hoping it will go away, is an even bigger problem, contributing to long-term disability and reduced quality of life. There are a few important pieces to the puzzle that can help you deal with pain now and prevent future episodes - chronic pain- from ruining your life.
1. | Posture: Proper posture is difficult to attain, so don't stress yourself out about it. When you are sitting, put a rolled-up towel or sweatshirt in the small of your back. Sit all the way back to the rear of the chair so you feel the support in your back. When you stand, stand against the wall or a post so you can maintain erect posture. It is important to strengthen your core muscles, the muscles along the spine. Yoga, Pilates or a specific workout program with weights will help you achieve this. You may want to find a personal trainer to help you focus on specific exercises to help you achieve your goals. |
2. | Balance: As you develop strength, you begin to develop balance. Many of the positions utilized in yoga, Pilates and weight training work specifically on balance. Would you believe that your feet also have a lot to do with balance? The three arches you have in your feet must all be supported in order for the rest of your body to have good support as well. If one or more of the arches is flat, it can significantly affect the stress to your joints and your ability to exercise efficiently. Ask your chiropractor about analyzing your feet to see if you need arch supports. |
3. | Spinal Load and Stability: Understanding how to exercise or perform any type of sporting activity is crucial to your health. How many people do you know who lift weights incorrectly? By being careful and doing your exercises properly, you can reduce the amount of spinal load (stress) and instability you create for your body. When your joints move well, you can perform activities optimally and with minimal stress on your body. |
4. | Alignment: Exercising makes your muscles stronger, which also helps maintain structural and bony alignment. Chiropractic care is hopefully a regular part of your life. Visits to your chiropractor at a frequency you both find appropriate will help you maintain your alignment. |
Keep in mind that pain may be indicative of a serious underlying condition. Always talk to your doctor about any pain you are experiencing, particularly if it does not go away or worsens with time.
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Healthy From the Inside Out
One of the simplest and most important things we can do to revive our appearance, physical health and mental acuity as we age doesn't involve cosmetic changes or a trip to the spa; it's as easy as supplying our body with the nutrient-rich food and physical activity it so desperately needs. Beauty literally comes from the inside, and it takes responsible day-to-day choices to ensure this translates outwardly. Here are some suggestions on what you can do - starting today - to cultivate beauty from the inside out.
1. | Control the Inflammation. One of the best ways to reclaim and maintain health, and even take years off of your appearance, is to control something called inflammation. Simply put, inflammation is heat, swelling or pain. When it is chronic, inflammation can make us age prematurely, and has been associated with diabetes, heart disease, arthritis, depression, cognitive decline and other conditions. |
2. | Maximize Nutrient Absorption. You need to thoroughly digest healthful foods in order to garner the most benefit from their nutrients. One of the best ways to ensure proper digestion and assimilation is through the use of digestive enzyme supplements and probiotics. Digestive enzymes provide the following: better digestion of cooked and processed foods; enhanced nutrient absorption; reduced digestive stress; and decreased food sensitivities and digestive disorders, such as indigestion. |
3. | Make Healthy Lifestyle Choices. In addition to eating nutritious foods and getting the proper enzymes and probiotics, it's important to make healthy lifestyle choices: drink plenty of water; try to get a good night's sleep; exercise regularly; reduce prescription and over-the-counter drug use; and manage your stress levels. |
Most life-changing health practices can take place at home, naturally, without a tremendous amount of expense or expertise. All it takes is a firm commitment and realistic expectations. Remember, you're worth it!
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The information provided is for general interest only and should not be misconstrued as a diagnosis, prognosis or treatment recommendation. This information does not in any way constitute the practice of chiropractic, acupuncture, massage therapy, medicine, or any other health care profession. Readers are directed to consult their health care provider regarding their specific health situation. MPA Media is not liable for any action taken by a reader based upon this information.
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