August 30, 2011 [Volume 5, Issue 17]
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In this issue of To Your Health:
Find Your Fountain of Youth
Jump-Start Your Next Workout
Too Much Salt in Your Diet?

Find Your Fountain of Youth

TYH image History shows us that people will go to great lengths to search for ways to remain young. The literal and figurative quest for the elusive "Fountain of Youth" is alive and well to this day. While there is no way (at least yet) to "live forever,"  the process of searching has helped us to learn more about the multitude of factors that seem to allow for longevity and lifelong health. Here are some easy ways to find your own Fountain of Youth and live a healthier, happier life.

  • Hydration is important for cellular functioning, so make sure you drink liquids regularly throughout the day.
  • The phytonutrients in plant-based foods are essential for health and wellness. Eat plenty of vegetables and low-sugar fruits every day.
  • Rest is necessary for your body to run optimally. The way to figure out how much sleep you need is to think about how much you sleep on a relaxing vacation, when you fall asleep naturally and wake up without an alarm. The number of hours you get on a relaxing vacation per day is generally how much time your body is craving for sleep.
  • Take time to have fun with your loved ones. Social support and positive experiences have been seen in studies to be beneficial to health.
  • Make sure to keep your body moving every day, even if it's just walking up and down stairs at work or taking a noon-time stroll around the block. Exercise is key to living a long and healthy life!

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Jump-Start Your Next Workout

TYH image Has your workout program been in a downward spiral lately? Have you been doing less and less physical activity? Are the once pain-free activities now causing increased pain? If so, you might want to resume your workouts with isometric exercise. Find out more about isometric exercises and try these beginner exercises to get you started.

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Too Much Salt in Your Diet?

TYH image The fast- and processed-food industries offer a staggering variety of sodium-laden foods, many of which make a huge dent in your recommended daily allowance for sodium in a single serving. These days, a major culprit when it comes to sodium intake isn't what we sprinkle on our foods – it's the food itself. Here's why sodium can be dangerous in excessive amounts and what you can do to help keep it in check.

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The information provided is for general interest only and should not be misconstrued as a diagnosis, prognosis or treatment recommendation. This information does not in any way constitute the practice of chiropractic, acupuncture, massage therapy, medicine, or any other health care profession. Readers are directed to consult their health care provider regarding their specific health situation. MPA Media is not liable for any action taken by a reader based upon this information.

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