To Your Health To Your Health
To Your Health To Your Health To Your Health
December 6, 2011 - Volume 5, Issue 24
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Back pain - the first thought many people have when they hear those words is, "chiropractor." That's true, but in addition to helping ease back pain, there are many other professional services a doctor of chiropractic can provide to help make health and wellness a lifetime endeavor. Advice and assistance related to nutrition, exercise, posture and weight loss are just a few of the ways chiropractors can help improve your health in addition to resolving your back pain:

Nutritional Advice: Dietary and nutritional supplements are an integral part of many chiropractic offices. Doctors of chiropractic realize that extra weight on your body adds to additional stresses on your spine. This additional weight makes you biomechanically more susceptible to injury and greater risk for health problems. Starting a weight loss program under the supervision of a healthcare professional has a greater likelihood of long-term success. Ask your doctor about nutritional supplements that may be helpful in reaching your intended goal.

Postural Support: Chiropractors are experts at analyzing posture and how it relates to spinal problems. They are trained in the art of detection, function, and restoration. A doctor of chiropractic searches for the problems that exist underneath poor posture and its effect on quality of life movement dysfunction. By analyzing spinal curvatures and alignment, your doctor searches for the problems that contribute to the postural pattern and develops a strategy of correction.

The Right Tools: Most chiropractors offer equipment that can help improve your quality of life and assist with activities of daily living, such as bending, lifting, twisting, exercising, sleeping, etc. For example, ask your chiropractor about purchasing spinal support belts to help when lifting objects or working on your feet for long hours. Orthotic foot supports are very prevalent in most chiropractic offices; this is a cost-effective way to help sore feet, achy muscles, and fatigued lower backs. Braces and wraps can be used for arm and leg problems such as knee and elbow pain. Most doctors also offer hot or cold packs for home use and topical analgesic pain relief lotions that are more effective than over-the-counter options. Make sure you ask your chiropractor about using some of these devices to maximize your progress.

Working hand-in-hand with your doctor of chiropractic is the perfect solution to help with your long-term health goals. Reach out and ask for their guidance; you'll be surprised at how pivotal a role they can play in maximizing your whole-body health.

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Golfers who are looking to maximize their performance and avoid and/or rehabilitate following common golf-related injuries should try these exercises in consultation with their doctor of chiropractic.

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Antioxidant supplementation resulted in a substantial reduction in the risk of cancer mortality (death) or death from any cause over an 11-year period, according to a recently published study.

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Learn how participating in simple leisure activities such as reading, playing board games or musical instruments, and dancing can help you reduce the risk of developing dementia as you age.

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In need of a detox after the holidays? Try these safe
and natural nutritional strategies to help cleanse your body of toxins.

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Fish doesn't just taste great; the health benefits you can reap from consistent fish consumption are countless. Here's what recent research has found.

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The information provided is for general interest only and should not be misconstrued as a diagnosis, prognosis or treatment recommendation. This information does not in any way constitute the practice of chiropractic, acupuncture, massage therapy, medicine, or any other health care profession. Readers are directed to consult their health care provider regarding their specific health situation. MPA Media is not liable for any action taken by a reader based upon this information.