Postural issues are a big contributor to many different aches and pains and injuries to our bodies. Injuries related to poor posture tend to be overuse injuries, which build up over a period of time. Muscle imbalances and joint dysfunctions associated with poor posture can create areas of too much motion in certain spinal segments causing instability. These areas may then wear out prematurely, while other areas may have too little motion in the spine causing range of motion/mobility dysfunctions; anytime you have a right side - left side imbalance, it is called an asymmetry. If you have an asymmetry in your muscles, you are more susceptible to injury.
Some simple ways to begin to improve your posture include becoming aware of the things that you are doing, even the things that you don't even know you are doing that are contributing (harming) to your posture. Think of staying in a “tall spine” posture while sitting, standing, during exercise and also taking frequent breaks from sitting and use the Brugger's postural relief position as one of your style of breaks.
There are also some simple exercises you can do to help you get started on improving your overall posture. Here are a few:
Engage in daily use of the foam roll to provide self-myofascial release and self massage. Spend 3-5 minutes rolling out the thoracic spine and shoulders.
Perform Chair Decompression: Sit in an upright chair with your arms behind you, slightly bent, hands on the seat of the back of the chair. Push downward, straightening the arms and leaving the buttocks in the chair, unloading the trunk and spine. Keep the arms externally rotated; this moves the upper body into something similar to Brugger's.
Perform Brugger's relief position: Sit at the edge of a chair; Put your knees apart (wide) and your feet under the knees: Arch your back; Rotate your arms outward so your palms face forward; Separate your fingers and point your thumb backward; Tuck in your chin; Hold this position while taking a deep breath in though your abdomen. Hold the position for 5 seconds, release for 3 seconds, Repeat 3-5 times.
Perform Cobra: Laying face down on the floor-in prone position, have arms beside your hips. Activate the core by drawing in your navel towards spine and squeezing the glutes. With your core and glutes activated, lift the chest off the floor, lift arms up and back towards the hips rotating thumbs towards the ceiling. Note: hold for 2-3 seconds. Repeat 5 times.
For more useful tips, talk to your chiropractor about other ways you can improve your posture and avoid injuries.
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