To Your Health To Your Health
To Your Health To Your Health To Your Health
April 19, 2012 - Volume 6, Issue 9
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Schedule a vacation day away from work or program your DVR to record "The Doctors" this Monday, April 23 (click here for local listings). The April 23 episode features another television appearance by Dr. Fabrizio Mancini, who appeared on the March 14 episode of "Dr. Phil."

The April 23 episode, dedicated to the theme of "That pain may not be what you think," is significant not only because of Dr. Mancini's appearance, but also because the overall theme reinforces the chiropractic tenet that what goes on in one part of the body can affect other parts of the body, and that pain in one area may be caused by a problem somewhere else.

The audience first watches a video that outlines how a female patient went to see Dr. Mancini, complaining of low back pain as her primary symptom. Dr. Mancini examined her, finding problems in her pelvis, low back, upper back and neck. In addition, he noted that the patient was "putting 50 percent more weight on one foot" compared to the other. Dr. Mancini then was shown adjusting the patient.

As the video concluded, Dr. Mancini and the patient came out on stage to talk to the show's lead host, Travis Stork, MD. The patient herself may provide the most impact; when Dr. Stork asked her how she was doing, her enthusiastic response was: "I have never felt so good ... I feel like I am a new person and I can't wait to see what will happen going forward."

So tune in to "The Doctors" on April 23; if you're already a chiropractic patient, talk to your DC about the show at your next visit; if you're not a patient, why not schedule an appointment with your local chiropractor today?

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Despite the clear "Five a Day" guidelines, an increasing number of Americans fail to consume adequate fruits and vegetables, particularly in their raw form. Let's learn how juicing - and pureeing - can improve your entire family's health by providing the nutrients you need.

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The pharmaceutical industry, often referred to as "Big Pharma,"has a poor track record when it comes to informing the public of the potential dangers of the medications they make and/or accurately stating the benefits vs. risks of the drugs. The latest culprit: Johnson & Johnson.

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Your overall well-being is highly dependent on your digestive system; a strong, yet delicate ecosystem that relies on the presence of good bacteria, specialized immune cells and a complex network of neurological and hormonal components. Learn what recent research suggests is the key to keeping it in optimum condition.

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Depression, diabetes, mood disorders - these maladies have all been linked to insufficient sleep. Sleep deprivation can lead to a whole lot more than just tired eyes and fatigue; it can impact your overall health.

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One of the longest fitness fads, Pilates, has been lauded for years for its positive effect on weight loss and core strength. Get ready to explore a long-standing exercise that delivers profound wellness results.

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The information provided is for general interest only and should not be misconstrued as a diagnosis, prognosis or treatment recommendation. This information does not in any way constitute the practice of chiropractic, acupuncture, massage therapy, medicine, or any other health care profession. Readers are directed to consult their health care provider regarding their specific health situation. MPA Media is not liable for any action taken by a reader based upon this information.