To Your Health To Your Health
To Your Health To Your Health To Your Health
January 15, 2013 - Volume 7, Issue 2
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While we're mired in the thick of another cold and flu season, it's time for parents to be reminded of two important points: First, the Food and Drug Administration says cough and cold medications are not appropriate for children ages 6 and younger and may actually be dangerous; and second, research suggests honey may be the best treatment of all for helping children suffering from cough and related symptoms. Learn how to help your children beat the cold and flu season naturally.

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Once the holiday season winds down and a new year begins, many people start to wind down, rather than winding up. Why? Because you're left with the gloomy prospect of paying the bills, returning to work and enduring another year before the holiday fun returns. Need an energy boost for 2013? Here are three ideas that are sure to invigorate you.

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Summer may seem like months away, but considering the shape the holiday season has likely left you in, it's right around the corner and you've got some work to do. So why not get started today? Before you know it, you'll have the summer beach / river / lake body you always dreamed of having – or used to have but have neglected for far too long.

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It's not uncommon to see a number of research studies these days that are dedicated to food allergies. It is widely reported that food allergies occur in 3 to 4 percent of adults and 6 to 8 percent of children. In short, food allergies should be taken seriously, because they can cause a number of life-threatening complications. Know the signs.

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Did You Know?

When it comes to daily stress, many people will turn to food, TV or alcohol to relieve their tension. Luckily, these days there is a lot you can do to relieve stress, get calm and relax the natural way.

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Diabetes: some call it an epidemic, others call it reality. Although lifestyle changes can help relieve many of the harsh symptoms of this disease, people should be aware of the serious complications and what they can do to minimize their risk.

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The information provided is for general interest only and should not be misconstrued as a diagnosis, prognosis or treatment recommendation. This information does not in any way constitute the practice of chiropractic, acupuncture, massage therapy, medicine, or any other health care profession. Readers are directed to consult their health care provider regarding their specific health situation. MPA Media is not liable for any action taken by a reader based upon this information.