August 13, 2024 - Volume 18, Issue 17

The Safest Pain Reliever

An experimental opioid may suppress pain with fewer complications than traditional opioids. But why would we want safer when we can embrace the safest natural, drug-free pain reliever: chiropractic care?

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Lower Your Biological Age

Biological age is a reflection of your overall health, and the younger you are, the better, regardless of when you were born. Here's one of the biggest influencers of biological age – and recent research proves it.

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Diabetes Hates Movement

Lack of exercise is one of the contributing factors to diabetes (type 2); but fortunately for diabetes sufferers, movement is also one of the best ways to combat the disease and its complications.

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Beets for a Healthy Heart

Heart disease is the #1 cause of death among both men and women, but after menopause, a woman's risk increases dramatically. Beets to the rescue, suggests research.

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Skip the Dip

Trying to cut the calories as part of a healthy weight-loss plan and think a little dip won't make a big difference? Think again.

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Drink Green Tea, Live Longer

The health benefits of green tea are profound, including perhaps the biggest health benefit one could want: living longer.

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