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May 2010 [Volume 9, Issue 5]

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In this issue of To Your Health:

Connecting With the Person Who Has Alzheimer's Disease

Ann Catlin, LMT, OTR, shares her touching story in connecting with a client with Alzheimer's Disease.

I remember a woman, I'll call Grace, whom I visited frequently in a skilled-care facility. She was a lovely 75-year-old woman, and her room was full of paintings she had created over the years as well as memorabilia from her travels around the world. I often would find her walking in the hallway and we would return to her room for our visit. She loved to entertain company and was very talkative. We had delightful visits together. Grace also had Alzheimer's disease, and I could not understand most of her words. Her speech was a series of indiscernible sounds and words. She enjoyed connecting through touch and massage.

Read the full article.

Good Nutrition: Keep It Simple

Is there a subject more talked about or written about than diet and nutrition? Just look at any Web site, magazine, newspaper or list of non-fiction best sellers and what do you see? Articles or books detailing the latest Hollywood weight-loss plan, dire warnings about contaminated or suspect food sources, or advice from experts on eating this and not that; could we be suffering from information overload.

Read the full article.

The Basics of Balance

Balance is easy to take for granted; after all, our every movement relies upon it in some fashion. Most of the time, we only notice balance when it fails us - like when we trip for "no reason" or find ourselves leaning slightly to the left or right while standing. Actually, without balance, we couldn't do much at all, which is why it's so important to build a foundation of proper balance, particularly as we age. Let's learn more about the fundamentals of balance.

Read the full article.

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