To Your Health To Your Health
To Your Health To Your Health To Your Health
October 22, 2013 - Volume 12, Issue 10
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Recent studies have shown that massage therapy can be an effective treatment option for a variety of health issues and conditions. But, until recently, there hadn't been a study looking at the question of whether or not massage therapy could beneficially treat pain and dysfunction associated with lumbar spinal decompression and fusion surgery.

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Whether you are a young high school or college athlete, a middle-aged weekend warrior or a sedentary senior, strong muscles are an important part of keeping your body in good health. Strength training is a great way to keep those muscles in top shape, no matter your age or fitness level. However, performing these exercises incorrectly can present its own set of health related nightmares.

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There are certain things in life that just make a better pair than they do a solo. Like peanut butter and jelly or peas and carrots, there are certain nutrients in our diets that just work better when paired together. Knowing at least some of these combinations can help you lower your risk of disease and avoid nutrient deficiency. The popular combination of Vitamin D and calcium has been a hot topic as of late.

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