Acupuncture Today Product Recommendation Survey

September 11, 2006

1. If you offer products to your patients, who conducts the transaction?

I conduct the entire transaction (the doctor). 73%
I recommend the products but my staff completes the transaction. 20%
My staff conducts the entire transaction. 3%
I don't sell products in my practice. 4%
Total 100%

2. Which of the following products do you recommend or sell to your patients?

  I recommend this product I sell this product Neither
Nutritional supplements 45% 42% 12%
Herbs 16% 82% 2%
Dietary supplements 43% 38% 19%
Botanical medicine 27% 37% 35%
Antioxidants 46% 28% 26%
Minerals 43% 31% 27%
Pillows 25% 9% 66%
Topical analgesics 24% 58% 18%
Orthotics 33% 4% 63%
TENS devices 16% 11% 73%
Vibrational devices 9% 4% 87%
Exercise/balance devices 34% 5% 61%
Rehab products 27% 3% 70%
Support/bracing products 29% 6% 66%
Massage chairs 9% 1% 90%
Laser healing devices 7% 4% 90%
Reflexology products 14% 4% 83%
Books and other educational information 64% 17% 18%

3. What is your age?

25 or younger 0%
26-30 5%
31-35 13%
36-40 15%
41-45 13%
46-50 20%
51-55 18%
56-60 10%
61 or over 6%
Total 100%

4. How many years have you been in practice?

5 or less 44%
6 to 10 27%
11 to 15 12%
16 to 20 8%
21-25 6%
26 or more 3%
Total 100%

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