Everyday Wellness Habits

By Editorial Staff

Every day is an opportunity to make deposits into your wellness account – or make withdrawals from it. The more healthy habits you pursue, the more wellness – and all the benefits wellness brings – becomes a part of you. And when you're in a perpetual state of wellness, life is good – very good.

According to the Global Wellness Institute, wellness is "the active pursuit of activities, choices and lifestyles that lead to a state of holistic health." Compare that to lack of wellness, which is active pursuit of the opposite, leading to a state of poor health. Depending on whom you ask, there are as few as four to as many as eight or more dimensions of wellness. For the purpose of this conversation, let's be as inclusive as possible and consider emotional, physical, occupational, social, spiritual, intellectual, environmental, and financial aspects of wellness.

What are your everyday habits that contribute to wellness relative to the above areas? If you're not making deposits to your wellness account in all (or any) of these dimensions of wellness, you've got some serious work to do. It starts with making the decision to focus on wellness; maybe not all eight dimensions at once, but one or two at a time. Is there a health habit you can change today to improve your physical wellness? Maybe it's eating dessert one less night a week. How about financial wellness? It's probably time to review your finances and see if you can save more money for retirement, a family vacation, etc., and spend less on conveniences you don't really need (like that daily Starbucks latte).

Embrace holistic health by embracing wellness. You won't regret it.

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