Current Issue - February, 2016

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To Your Health Archives -
February, 2016 (Vol. 10, Issue 02)

Diet, Nutrition and the Context of Risk
  By G. Douglas Andersen, DC, DACBSP, CCN
The Adult Time Out: Good for You, Good for Your Children
  By Editorial Staff
Women, Stand Up to Obesity
  By Editorial Staff
Let Your Kids Play (as Many Sports as They Want)
  By Editorial Staff
It's American Heart Month! Four Ways to Show Your Heart Some Love
  By Editorial Staff
Time for a Little "Me Time"
  By Editorial Staff
A Reason to Avoid Tylenol Use During Pregnancy
  By Editorial Staff
Get in the Calorie-Burning Zone
  By Editorial Staff
Feed Your Brain the Right Way
  By Editorial Staff
The Healthy Bucket List
  By Editorial Staff

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