Neck Pain: Think Chiropractic

chiropractic adjustment - Copyright – Stock Photo / Register Mark

Neck pain is no laughing matter; depending on the severity, it can ruin your day, week or even longer. But before you turn to the medicine cabinet for your favorite pain reliever, why not consider a more permanent option that doesn't just take away the symptoms of the problem, but actually addresses the root cause of the pain? That's where chiropractic...

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Anti-Aging Starts Young

Anti-Aging Starts Young - Copyright – Stock Photo / Register Mark

Anti-aging starts young - as early as young adulthood in terms of slowing biological aging. We've discussed biological vs. chronological age several times before: Chronological is your age from your date of birth to now; you can't do anything to change it. But biological age – the relative age of your body from a health perspective – is a different thing...

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Step Up the Competition

competition - Copyright – Stock Photo / Register Mark

Weight loss is the buzzword in health care that isn't going away, guaranteed. That's because too many people want – or need – to lose weight, and permanent, healthy weight loss is often a supreme struggle to attain. We won't delve into the reasons why it's such a challenge in this article; instead, let's explore one way people can overcome those...

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Your Eyes Hate That Screen

Your Eyes Hate That Screen - Copyright – Stock Photo / Register Mark

Screen time is an increasingly referenced public-health concern, and not just because it takes precious time away from doing more active pursuits such as exercising. Too much time spent staring at a screen affects your eyes, even elevating the incidence of a condition called myopia – more commonly known as nearsightedness.

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Your Brain Is What You Eat

Too often, people focus on keeping their bodies healthy and ignore their brains. Big mistake. Fortunately, you can control, at least to some extent, your health from head to toe, as your diet plays a significant role in both body and brain health. The latest evidence: a study that suggests a healthy diet is just what seniors need. Here’s why.

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3 Modern Ways to Stress Less

The stresses of our 21st century society require 21st century solutions, and we've got three great ones you can incorporate into your life immediately. Bear in mind these aren't the timeless "get more sleep," "get organized" or "find some 'you' time" stress-relief tips you've heard over the years (although those are all valuable, too); these are modern...

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