Avoid Surgery, Drugs and More

Avoid Surgery, Drugs and More - Copyright – Stock Photo / Register Mark

A recent study examined how the use of chiropractic spinal manipulative therapy (SMT) impacts the use of "escalated spine care" for low back pain (LBP) patients. Escalated spine care is defined as "imaging studies, injection procedures, emergency department visits, surgery, and opioid medication use." For this study, patients receiving chiropractic SMT...

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Eating for Skin Health

Eating for Skin Health - Copyright – Stock Photo / Register Mark

It's well-established that your eating habits can affect your skin – but do you know how much of an impact it can have? This conversation goes far beyond whether that fast-food meal you just ate will lead to an extra pimple or two. We're talking about how a healthy diet can promote skin health on multiple levels, from skin aging to pigmentation to skin...

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Live to 100 Years?

Live to 100 Years - Copyright – Stock Photo / Register Mark

Age is a big topic of conversation these days; but then again, it's always been a big topic. Aren't we all looking for ways to find the Fountain of Youth and live as long as possible, in as healthy a fashion as possible? Lifestyle is one of the big factors you can control in your quest for a long, healthy life. In fact, it could help you live to age 100...

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Walking for Back Pain

Walking for Back Pain - Copyright – Stock Photo / Register Mark

Avoidance behaviors are widely associated with low back pain; after all, when you're in pain, all you want to do is minimize the pain, and the thought of movement often raises the fear of the pain getting worse. The problem is that movement is an important aspect of back pain relief.

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Sunscreen Done Wrong (and Done Right)

You're prepped for another glorious day outdoors, which means your ready-to-go bag includes sunscreen. But will you end your day with a nasty sunburn that could eventually increase your chances of developing skin cancer, among other consequences? It all depends on whether you're applying that sunscreen correctly.

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B6 for Mental Health

Are you getting enough vitamin B – specifically vitamin B6? If you experience anxiety and/or depression, low vitamin B could be one of the contributing factors; and getting enough vitamin B could be one of the solutions! Let's take a look at what new research suggests about the power of vitamin B6 when it comes to your mental health.

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