What to Do About Whiplash

Prevention and Treatment Strategies

whiplash skeleton - Copyright – Stock Photo / Register Mark By Dr. Perry Nickelston

Whiplash is the most common injury associated with motor vehicle accidents, affecting up to 83 percent of those involved in collisions, and is a common cause of chronic disability. The Quebec Task Force (QTF) on Whiplash Associated Disorders defines whiplash as "bony or soft tissue injuries" resulting "from rear-end or side impact, predominantly in motor...

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How to Feel, Look Younger

Don't Let Stress Age You - Copyright – Stock Photo / Register Mark

Everyone experiences stress now and then, but evidence suggests it's getting worse, impacting more people and to a greater extent. Stress is also affecting a greater percentage of young people – adults in their late teens, 20s and 30s. If you're in one of those age groups – or know someone who is, bear in mind that stress can be making them feel and look...

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A Simpler Diet for IBS?

A Simpler Diet for IBS? - Copyright – Stock Photo / Register Mark

If you've been diagnosed with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) or know someone who has, you're probably familiar with the acronym FODMAP: Fermentable Oligosaccharides, Disaccharides, Monosaccharides, And Polyols. FODMAP is recommended for IBS sufferers, and FODMAP, in layperson's terms, is all about limiting / avoiding certain foods that contain...

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Hail the Weekend Warrior

Hail the Weekend Warrior - Copyright – Stock Photo / Register Mark

Many people are so busy during the week that the weekend becomes their only real time to exercise. Confining your physical activity primarily to the weekend still helps reduce disease risk, according to research, which means when it comes to health, it's time to hail the weekend warrior! The study, findings from which appear in the research journal...

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Kids and Chronic Pain

Anxiety and depression are skyrocketing among children and young adults, with social media use, isolation (due to increased reliance on technology / remote engagement) and other variables as key contributing factors. Another potential cause: chronic pain.

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Sugar and Epigenetic Age

You can't control your chronological age, but evidence supports the relationship between lifestyle behaviors and your epigenetic age – your age in terms of your health. That's why some 70-year-olds are healthier than 40-year-olds despite their dramatic chronological age differences.

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