Link To Us
Do you find to be of value, not only for yourself, but for your patients as well? Would you like to be able to provide a link to from your own site, but you're not sure how to do so?
If that's the case, you're in luck. We have made the process of creating a link on your site back to as easy as a few clicks of a button. Simply click and drag your mouse over the HTML code written between the dotted lines below, then select the "copy" feature from your browser's Edit menu. Once you've done this, you can paste the code onto your site, save it, upload the new page, and presto! A link to will appear on your site.
There are two types of links provides for site visitors. You may choose for a simple text link back to, or you can opt for a more colorful image link.
To Link to
This is what your text link will look like once you've pasted it onto your web site.
To Your Health -- Educating and informing health-minded individuals on their alternative health and wellness choices.
<A HREF="">To Your Health</A> -- Educating and informing health-minded individuals on their alternative health and wellness choices..
- Button-Based Link Example
This is what your button link will look like once you've pasted it onto your Web site.

<A HREF="">
<IMG SRC="" WIDTH="144" HEIGHT="66" border="0"></A>
Contact Us
Still not sure how to link to Have any questions on how to copy and paste text? E-mail the webmaster for further instructions.