To Your Health
November, 2009 (Vol. 03, Issue 11)
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The first step toward looking and feeling better is an improved diet that includes plenty of vegetables, lean protein sources, green drinks, beans and raw foods. It's also important that inflammatory grains, such as pasta and bread, be replaced with foods such as quinoa, buckwheat and wild rice, which are more easily digested by most people.

2. Maximize Nutrient Absorption

While the above dietary choices might seem obvious, there's one important thing to remember: It's not entirely what we eat that leads to good health; it's also what we're able to digest and properly absorb. You need to thoroughly digest healthful foods in order to garner the most benefit from their nutrients. One of the best ways to ensure proper digestion and assimilation is through the use of digestive enzyme supplements and probiotics. Digestive enzymes provide the following:

  • better digestion of cooked and processed foods;
  • enhanced nutrient absorption;
  • reduced digestive stress, which can increase energy for immune function; and
  • decreased food sensitivities and digestive disorders, such as indigestion.

One secret to gorgeous skin, hair and nails is optimal digestion and nutrient absorption. Enzymes can help repair and rejuvenate the skin from the inside out while they help restore youthful vitality and energy. Most people would also benefit from a probiotic supplement to improve nutrient assimilation and immune health. Probiotics, known as "friendly bacteria,"  help restore and maintain a healthful bacterial balance in the colon and intestines, reducing the likelihood of conditions such as leaky gut syndrome.

Many years ago, probiotics offered me the first successful step in winning my battle against eczema, a personal problem I had dealt with for most of my life. At its worst, the skin rash covered my entire body, and the only solution from dermatologists and medical doctors was a lotion that had serious side effects, including thinning my skin. It was only later that I realized poor digestion and stress were at the root of my problem, and probiotics became part of the solution.

3. Make Healthy Lifestyle Choices

In addition to eating nutritious foods and getting the proper enzymes and probiotics, I recommend that many of my patients make the following lifestyle choices: drink plenty of water; try to get a good night's sleep; exercise regularly; reduce prescription and over-the-counter drug use; and use stress-management tactics. Most life-changing health practices can take place at home, naturally, without a tremendous amount of expense or expertise. All it takes is a firm commitment and realistic expectations. Remember, you're worth it!

Peggy Raikes, MTOM, LAc, is a licensed acupuncturist who practices in Encinitas, Calif. To learn more about Peggy, visit