To Your Health
August, 2010 (Vol. 04, Issue 08)
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5. Exercising

Get in shape and get out of stress; now there's a win-win proposition. Find an exercise you truly enjoy doing, not one you dread.

Once you make it a part of your daily routine, it will become an integral part of your healthy lifestyle. Strive to get 20 minutes a day of some type of exercise. Walking is a great way to start. Get outside and enjoy the open air while at the same time clearing your mind. It can be an escape from all the chaos in your life. There is nothing like the calming effect of being around Mother Nature. Excess weight is also a stress on your body; regular exercise will help eliminate the pounds, improving your looks, your health and your state of mind.

6. Finding "Me Time"

Take some solo time every morning before you start the day. Use this time to reflect on yesterday and plan out today's events. This is a good time to compile your "Top 5" list of things you want to accomplish for the day. With the craziness of non-stop information overload in today's society, it's more important than ever to take quiet moments. Set your alarm 15 minutes early and wake up to silence. Do not turn on the television or open the newspaper. You may find that problems which have plagued you suddenly become more manageable and put into perspective. When was the last time you sat in a room without white noise all around? Try it and see what happens. I have a feeling you will find it to be one of the most enjoyable moments of your day.

7. Listening to Music

Music calms the soul. It can trigger so many emotions and senses, transporting you to another time and place. Are there certain songs you hear that automatically make you smile or remember a special moment in your life? Make a special collection of your favorite songs and play them when you need to escape. Close your eyes and take yourself back to a place that left a cherished impression on your heart. It will help give you a renewed perspective on your current situation.

8. Reading

Reading can truly change your life. It can be one of the most powerful and simple ways to transform your personal and professional life, and a wealth of knowledge and learning is available at your fingertips for free at the local library. This ties in nicely to the aforementioned "me time." You can read and learn about anything your mind can conceive; fiction, non-fiction, a fantasy book, or biographies of successful people who have overcome their own struggles. Try to find 20 minutes a day to read something positive and reassuring. Stay away from newspapers and magazines that are filled with doom and gloom.

stress buster - Copyright – Stock Photo / Register Mark 9. Focusing on Good News

Turn on the TV these days and all you see is bad news. What happened to the good news? The negative aspects of everyday life are always highlighted to sell headlines and increase viewership. All that negativity adds to your stress and a feeling of hopelessness. Sure, you need to stay informed of current events, and all you have to do is check out a summary page on any Web browser to catch yourself up to speed. What you focus on becomes your reality. So stop focusing on the bad things in life and zero in on the positive.

10. Better Sleeping

Sleep is necessary for the regeneration of body and mind. Lack of sleep leads to stress on the immune system and makes you more prone to illness. Get poor sleep consistently and say hello to irritability and fatigue, too. Remember how great you felt after your last poor night's sleep? That was your body telling you something; learn to listen to it. During waking moments, your nerve cells are constantly active and become more or less fatigued. Sleep gives the body cells an opportunity to rid themselves of waste and repair themselves. How much sleep should a person get each night? The answer depends on the individual; however it is recommended to get eight hours of sleep per night for maximum benefit.

It takes 30 days to form a new habit. Try these top 10 stress busters for just one month and you can change your life. Even if you can't do all of them, start with a few and see how much less stress you have in your life. There seems to be no end to the amount of stressful situations we encounter, but taking simple steps to ease the burden can go a long way toward making every day count.

Perry Nickelston, DC, is clinical director of the Pain Laser Center in Ramsey, N.J., where he focuses on performance enhancement, corrective exercise and metabolic fitness nutrition To learn more about Dr. Nickelston, visit