To Your Health July, 2013 (Vol. 07, Issue 07) |
Cranberry Works on Urinary Tract Infection
We've all heard about the home remedy when it comes to urinary tract infections - cranberry. It has long been thought that drinking cranberry juice would guard and possibly relieve urinary tract infections (UTIs). Turns out this is true.
Recent research confirms that belief. In a recent study by the Department of Emergency Medicine, National Taiwan University Hospital in Taipei, Taiwan found that this is not an old wives tale but something with valid scientific backing.
"Our findings indicate that cranberry-containing products are associated with protective effect against UTIs," the study noted. Research in the study also found that the risk of contracting a UTI was actually 38% lower for those who consumed cranberry products.
So for those that are subject to UTIs, it's not folklore. Drink your cranberry juice.