To Your Health
November, 2021 (Vol. 15, Issue 11)
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Exercise Fights Prostate Cancer

By Editorial Staff

Abundant research suggests consistent physical activity reduces cancer risk, particularly certain types of cancer; but what about if you've already been diagnosed? For men, prostate cancer is one of the biggies.

Fortunately, new research suggests exercise can reduce prostate tumor growth, providing hope for recovery from this dreaded diagnosis.

When we exercise, working muscles secrete proteins called myokines into the bloodstream. These proteins, according to research published in the research journal Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, appear to both suppress tumor growth and actively fight cancer cells in men diagnosed with prostate cancer. Findings were noted after tracking obese prostate cancer patients who participated in a 12-week exercise program. The program consisted of both supervised resistance training and self-directed aerobic exercise.

Prostate cancer constitutes 13 percent of new cancer cases as of 2021, according to the CDC. While age is the most common factor, other factors can certainly elevate a man's risk independent of age. Some factors can't be controlled, but two definitely can be: obesity, and eating a diet high in red meats and high-fat dairy, and low in fruits and vegetables. Exercise, of course, can certainly help avoid obesity; and according to these findings, it may help fight prostate cancer if faced with a diagnosis.