To Your Health
February, 2023 (Vol. 17, Issue 02)
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Resolution Reboot

By Editorial Staff

We're halfway through February – how are your New Year's Resolutions holding up? Hopefully you're well on your way to achieving each and every one ... but if so, you're in the fortunate minority.

Too many people start the new year with grand plans to improve their lifestyle habits, particularly exercise, diet and stress; only to abandon them early in the year – sometimes without even trying. If that's your case, let's do a quick "resolution reboot" and see if we can get you back on track.

Consistent Exercise

The problem: You can't get yourself to the gym, even though you just renewed your membership.

The solution: Ask a friend who goes to the same gym to hold you accountable. (You can do the same for them if they're struggling.)

Healthy Eating

The problem: Unhealthy food seems to find you, not matter how hard you try to avoid it.

The solution: Do an inventory of what's in your pantry and fridge. Is bad food finding you; or are you keeping it too close?

Stress Management

The problem: You want to reduce stress, but your daily stress is still the same (work, kids, money, health, etc.).

The solution: Stress management isn't necessarily about reducing stressors that may be inevitable. Step one is identifying them – current and upcoming. Step two is brainstorming what to do in the face of stress so it doesn't ruin your day/week/month/year.

If your New Year's Resolutions haven't kicked in yet, do a resolution reboot today. You still have 10 months left before you have to write your next list. Make sure it's not the same as 2023 by achieving this year's resolutions and feeling great about doing it!