To Your Health October, 2023 (Vol. 17, Issue 10) |
Hobbies for Health
By Editorial Staff
Don't have time for hobbies? Between work, family responsibilities, etc., finding time to do anything else can seem impossible – but it's worth it. Here's one reason: Hobbies are critical for healthy aging.
If you're a senior who has (or doesn't have) hobbies, you understand what we're talking about; and if you're still young and don't have any hobbies, your first lesson in why you should develop some comes from a new study in the
Journal of the American Medical Association.
Researchers performed an analysis of previous studies involving more than 90,000 seniors (ages 65 and older) residing in 16 countries. Seniors who participated in hobbies (defined as activities performed for fun / pleasure during leisure time) had fewer depressive symptoms, and higher self-reported health, happiness and life satisfaction, compared to seniors who did not participate in hobbies. Even when accounting for other major factors that could affect healthy aging, such as income and partnership status, the association between hobbies and healthy aging remained.
Whether it's painting, gardening, writing, reading, playing board games, dancing, cooking, woodwork or any other activity, hobbies increase your enjoyment of life and break up what is too often the monotony of your daily routine. Think life will be great when you retire and have plenty of time to “sit around”? That's a recipe for poor health, emotionally and physically. The takeaway: Develop hobbies that keep you engaged and enjoying life, whether you're 18, 81 or any age in between.