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Try Evening Exercise

By Editorial Staff

While finding time to exercise can be challenging, depending on your work schedule and family responsibilities, if you're struggling to lose weight, working out in the evening might be the most effective way to improve your health, suggests research.

Obese adults whose aerobic physical activity (the moderate to vigorous variety) is primarily achieved in the evening benefit the most. That's the primary finding from a new study that tracked 30,000 people over almost eight years. Study participants were over 40 years of age and living with obesity. Some had already been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes.

Try Evening Exercise - Copyright – Stock Photo / Register Mark Daily activity and timing of such activity were tracked over an initial seven-day period via wearable devices, which yielded data on both quantity and timing of exercise. The researchers categorized participants as morning, afternoon or evening exercisers based on when they performed the majority of their physical activity.

People with higher levels of evening activity had lower rates of premature death and death from cardiovascular disease during the study period. This is significant since obesity increases various health risks, including heart disease and early death from other causes. Talk to your doctor for more information.