To Your Health
July, 2024 (Vol. 18, Issue 07)
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Fruit Makes You Happy

By Editorial Staff

At least in terms of reducing seniors' depression symptoms, according to research. Boosting fruit intake during midlife may be the key. Let's look at what the study findings suggest, adding to all the other reasons you should be getting enough fruit in your daily life.

Involving nearly 14,000 adults, the study tracked participants for approximately 20 years from midlife (average age: 51 years) to later life, evaluating whether higher consumption of fruit at midlife positively impacted the likelihood of experiencing symptoms of depression later in life. At the start of the study, researchers utilized questionnaires to determine consumption frequency of 14 fruits (and 25 vegetables). Two decades later, they evaluated depressive symptoms among the same group using the Geriatric Depression Scale.

Higher consumption of fruits was associated with lower risk of depressive symptoms among participants, even after accounting for various other factors that influence depression risk: medical history, physical activity, sleep habits, age-related variables, etc. Note: Midlife vegetable consumption did not appear to influence depression risk.

Of course, reducing your risk of depression is only one of many health-conscious reasons to consume plenty of fruit; packed with fiber, vitamins, minerals and beneficial plant compounds, eating fruit helps regulate your bowel habits, support weight loss, reduce cancer risk and promote heart health. Talk to your doctor to learn more about eating fruit as part of a whole-food diet.