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Getting Started

Chelsea Cooper demonstrates a rubber-band row. - Copyright – Stock Photo / Register Mark Extend arms at chest level. 1 Hook a rubber band around a sturdy apparatus.

2 Stand facing the apparatus, with your feet shoulder-width apart and pointing straight ahead, and your knees over your second and third toes.

3 Hold the rubber bands with your arms extended at chest level.


Chelsea Cooper demonstrates a rubber-band row. - Copyright – Stock Photo / Register Mark Do not allow head to jut forward. 4 Draw in your abs and squeeze your glutes.

5 With your knees slightly flexed, row the cable by flexing your elbows.

6 Bring your thumbs toward your armpits, keeping your shoulder blades together and your shoulders relaxed.

7 Do not allow your head to jut forward.

8 Hold the position.

9 Slowly return your arms to the original position by extending your elbows.


Chelsea Cooper demonstrates stability dumbbell shoulder press. - Copyright – Stock Photo / Register Mark Hold dumbells at shoulder level. STABILITY DUMBBELL SHOULDER PRESS

Getting Started

1 Sit on a stability ball.

2 Keep your feet pointed straight ahead.

3 Hold the dumbbells at shoulder level with your palms away.

Chelsea Cooper demonstrates stability dumbbell shoulder press. - Copyright – Stock Photo / Register Mark Draw in abs and squeeze glutes. Movement

4 Draw in your abs and squeeze your glutes.

5 Press the dumbbells overhead until both arms are fully extended, with your palms facing away.

6 Your arms should be slightly in front of your ears.

7 Hold the position.

8 Slowly return the dumbbells back to your chest and repeat.