To Your Health November, 2007 (Vol. 01, Issue 11) |
Repetitions And Sets: Same for both men and women; varies depending on individual goals (toning muscle vs. building muscle vs. building strength).
Intensity: This is the percentage of your one-rep maximum (the maximum amount of weight you can lift at one time). For example, if your goal is to build muscle, you would perform repetitions using 70 percent to 75 percent of your one-rep maximum (see below). That means that if you can bench press 100 pounds one time, you would perform each repetition using a maximum of 75 pounds of weight.
Toning Muscle (Strength/Endurance)
Sets: 2-3 /// Reps: 15-25 /// Intensity: 50% - 70%
Building Muscle (Hypertrophy)
Sets: 3 /// Reps: 9-12 /// Intensity: 70% - 75%
Strength Adaptation
Sets: 3-4 /// Reps: 6-8 /// Intensity: 75% - 85%
Draw in abs and squeeze glutes. Lift hips and legs off ground.
Getting Started
1 Lie on one side with your feet and legs stacked on top of each other and your forearm on the ground.
2 Draw in your abs and squeeze your glutes.
3 Lift your hips and legs off the ground until the body forms a straight line from head to toe, resting on your forearm and feet.
4 Hold the position for 5 to 10 seconds.
5 Slowly lower your body to the ground.
6 Switch sides and repeat.
Lie with ball under your lower back.
Getting Started
1 Lie supine on a stability ball (with the ball under your low back), with your knees bent at a 90 degree angle.
2 Place your feet flat on the floor with your toes shoulder-width apart and pointing straight ahead. Allow your back to extend over the curve of the ball. Put your hands under your neck for support.