When we think about who wears a backpack, we often think first of students and members of the military. But these days, backpack wearers increasingly transcend age and occupational categories. Who wears a backpack? The businessman who wants to avoid checking a bag at the airport. The mom preparing for a family day at the park. The senior staying active...
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Heart disease remains the #1 cause of death in the U.S., accountable for an estimated one in five deaths. While the leading factors contributing the heart disease are high blood pressure and high cholesterol, the lifestyle habits that manifest these issues include poor diet and lack of exercise, which promote obesity and obesity-related health...
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If you don't know by now that vegetables are a dietary cornerstone of optimal health, it's high time for a lesson in what veggies can do to improve just about every aspect of your mental and physical health. Vegetables are naturally low in fat and calories, and are packed with vital nutrients and other compounds that not only help the body function, but...
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Cerebral blood flow is an important variable dictating cognitive function: intellectual functions such as thinking, understanding, memory, language, computation, and judgment. That's because the area of the brain known as the cerebrum performs these functions. Arming your child with optimal cognitive function could be as simple as increasing cerebral...
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Type 2 diabetes is no laughing matter, with millions already diagnosed and millions more expected to be in the coming years. That's the bad news; the good news is that simple lifestyle changes, such as adjusting your diet, can make a big difference in lowering your risk dramatically. Case in point: new research focused on the impact of red meat /...
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Particularly for seniors – in the form of long-term positive effects on brain health. High-intensity interval exercise appears to improve brain function in older adults – and the results are maintained for up to five years, according to research findings.
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