Chiropractic: A Life-Saving Choice

death - Copyright – Stock Photo / Register Mark

Despite increasing public and professional awareness, revised pain-management guidelines and other signs of change, the numbing numbers still stand out: an estimated 130 deaths a day due to an opioid overdose. Could a lasting solution be as simple as visiting a doctor of chiropractic or other conservative care provider first? You probably know the...

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Fiber for Endometriosis

Fiber for Endrometriosis - Copyright – Stock Photo / Register Mark

Endometriosis is a condition in which tissue similar to the lining of the uterus grows outside the uterus. The primary symptom is pelvic pain, particularly during menstruation, making "normal" menstrual pain that much more intense. While pain medication, hormone therapy and conservative surgery are traditional treatment options, research suggests fiber...

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Exercise and Lifespan

Exercise and Lifespan - Copyright – Stock Photo / Register Mark

Ever heard the phrase, "Movement is life"? We've used it several times before, but we certainly didn't invent it. It's well-known that physical activity – movement – is one of the most important variables contributing to a long, healthy life. Recent research makes the latest case for this connection. Researchers applied a predictive model to determine...

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Vitamin D to Lower BP?

Vitamin D for BP - Copyright – Stock Photo / Register Mark

High blood pressure increases the risk of cardiovascular events including heart attack and stroke, making management of high BP – and efforts to keep it in the healthy range in the first place – a priority. Blood pressure in the elderly can be a particular concern, not only because blood pressure tends to elevate with age, but so does the prevalence of...

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Time Your Eating

Are you morning heavy or evening heavy when it comes to eating? If the bulk of your caloric intake is at night, you could be putting your health at risk. Here's why, and it relates to your glucose (blood sugar) levels.

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Limiting Screen Time

Growing up in the early '60s, there were only a handful of live TV options. We enjoyed seven channels: three national and four regional. As kids, television was not our focus, but something to do when we were stuck in the house.

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