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To Your Health Archives -
September, 2015 (Vol. 09, Issue 09)

Antibiotics Increase Risk of Juvenile Arthritis
  By Editorial Staff
Keep Your BP in the Safe Range
  By Editorial Staff
Ramp Up Your Run
  By Editorial Staff
Breast-Feeding: Good for the Heart
  By Editorial Staff
5 Common Causes of Neck Pain (and How Chiropractic Can Help)
  By Editorial Staff
Yoga Matters: How It Can Support a Healthy You
  By Jasper Sidhu, BSc, DC
Not So Young at Heart?
  By Editorial Staff
Nuts About Nuts: A Real Life Saver
  By Editorial Staff
Walk Your Way to Health
  By Editorial Staff
Less Sleep = More Colds
  By Editorial Staff
Healthy Eating (When Eating Out)
  By Julie T. Chen, MD
Drop the Diet Drinks to Help Drop the Pounds
  By Editorial Staff
When Medication Hurts
  By Editorial Staff
Calling All Mathletes
  By Editorial Staff
Chiropractic Is Good for Your Heart
  By Editorial Staff