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To Your Health Archives -
December, 2015 (Vol. 09, Issue 12)

Gut in a Rut? Try These 5 Foods
  By Julie T. Chen, MD
The Hidden Benefits of Family Meals
  By Editorial Staff
Is PMS Bad for BP?
  By Editorial Staff
Take Control of Holiday Stress (Before It Takes Control of You)
  By Editorial Staff
Sugar-Free Drinks: Still Bad for Your Teeth
  By Editorial Staff
Rethinking Calcium for Bone Health?
  By David Seaman, DC, MS, DABCN
Keep the Weight Off – It Could Save Your Life
  By Editorial Staff
Crib Safety 101: Avoid the Bumpers
  By Editorial Staff
4 Great Arm Exercises
  By Editorial Staff
Healthy Habits for the New Year
  By Editorial Staff