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To Your Health Archives -
September, 2017 (Vol. 11, Issue 09)

Watch Out for Energy Drinks: 4 Things You Should Know
  By Michael Haneline, DC, MPH, Conrad Woolsey, PhD, Claire Johnson, DC, MSEd, PhD and Bart N. Green, DC, MSEd, PhD
Chiropractic: Coming to a Hospital Near You
  By Editorial Staff
Don't Make Low Back Pain Worse
  By Editorial Staff
Can't Stomach Cancer? Eat More Nuts
  By Editorial Staff
School's in Session – And So Is Back Pain
  By Editorial Staff
Death by Antidepressants
  By Editorial Staff
Expectant Moms: Another Reason to Take Folic Acid
  By Editorial Staff
Move It or Lose It (Your Life)
  By Editorial Staff
Resist Anxiety With Exercise
  By Editorial Staff
Poor Sleep Leads to Chronic Pain
  By Editorial Staff
BMI: Better Than Genetics for Predicting Diabetes Risk
  By Editorial Staff