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To Your Health Archives -
November, 2017 (Vol. 11, Issue 11)

It's Time for Insurers to Cover Drug-Free Pain Relief
  By Editorial Staff
A Natural Way to Prevent Urinary Tract Infections
  By James P. Meschino, DC, MS
Child Obesity and Asthma: A Dangerous Combination
  By Editorial Staff
Another Strike Against Acetaminophen Use During Pregnancy?
  By Editorial Staff
A Sugar-Cancer Connection?
  By Editorial Staff
Healthy Weight, Healthy Knees
  By Editorial Staff
Exercise: Back Pain's Kryptonite?
  By Editorial Staff
Don't Sweat the Small Stuff
  By Editorial Staff
Why Every Day Should Be Bring-Your-Chiropractor-to-Work Day
  By Editorial Staff
Food for Thought: Omega-3s for PTSD?
  By Editorial Staff