Growing Up With Chiropractic
Children bump and jar their spines constantly in the first five years of life. As they develop from helpless infants into fearless adventurers, bumps and falls naturally come with your child's desire to learn everything about the world around them in the quickest amount of time possible. But even normal, everyday activities can cause spinal trauma with lasting effects:
 | Delicate nerve tissue can be damaged, resulting in interference with the brain's ability to send nerve impulses to organs, tissues and muscles. |
 | Discs, blood vessels and other soft tissues can swell and become inflamed. |
 | The body may respond with bone spurs and other abnormal bone growth. |
 | Various systems (immune, digestive, respiratory, etc.) through the body may malfunction. |
In each of these examples, pain or other obvious symptoms may not be present at the time, yet optimum health and well-being have been compromised.
When your child is seen by your family wellness chiropractor, your child's spine and nervous system will be analyzed to determine if a vertebral subluxation is present. Often, the doctor will touch the spine and muscle (static or motion palpation), examine the length of the legs (pelvic misalignment may shorten one leg) or examine your child's posture (level of head, shoulder and hips).
You may already be aware of the benefits of chiropractic care. You may have experienced for yourself the relief that comes from having a properly aligned spine. If you have not had your child's spine evaluated, it's time to schedule an appointment to determine if there is a vertebral subluxation (which is painless until later in life).
Like dentistry, chiropractic, when started young, provides your child with a way to attain full-body health that lasts a lifetime.
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Winter Warm-Up
"It's too cold. I'll get sick. I might slip and fall." All common excuses for avoiding exercise when the seasons change. With four to six months of winter in many parts of the country, you can't afford to skip winter exercise altogether. For both physical and mental well-being, the human body needs activity all year round. Whether you find creative ways to exercise indoors or dive into the great outdoors, maintaining an exercise regimen through the holidays and beyond will not only keep you fit, but also give you a head start come spring.
If you don't want to stay cooped up inside for months, exercising outdoors can be a great way to stay in shape while appreciating the sights and sounds of winter. From snowball fights and sledding to snowshoeing and cross-country skiing, a host of outdoor activities awaits you. Of course, if you have any medical conditions or concerns about outdoor exercise, check with your doctor first. Here are a few tips to help make the most of your time outdoors:
 | Dress for the Cold. |
 | Protect Your Skin. |
 | Drink Fluids. |
 | Beware of Wind Chill. |
 | Don't Push Your Luck in Dangerous Conditions. |
Despite all the excuses for not wanting to face the elements, there are times when it is wise to avoid outdoor activities. If you are too cozy in front of the fireplace to brave the outdoors, try one of these indoor workout options:
 | Walk the Mall. |
 | Hit the Gym. |
 | Take a Dip in a Pool. |
 | Create a Home Gym. |
Winter can be one of the most exhilarating times of the year. With the sun and snow and a variety of winter sports to choose from, there's no reason to hibernate indoors. It may be chilly and downright freezing at times, but your body still craves at least 30 minutes of exercise each day. Stay indoors if you have to, but if the conditions are decent and you dress appropriately, you still can walk, run, hike and play sports outside. Once you get going, you won't even notice the cold.
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Not Your Average Vegetable
There are dozens of vegetables that are important for a healthy diet. But in a head-to-head competition, one vegetable outshines the rest: broccoli. It is loaded with vitamin A, has more vitamin C than an orange and as much calcium as a glass of milk. One medium-sized spear has three times more fiber than a slice of wheat-bran bread. Over the past few years, studies have shown broccoli may help prevent colon cancer, minimize the risk of cataracts and protect against stroke. And that's just the beginning. New research indicates broccoli also can help skin cells fight against sun damage.
Researchers at Johns Hopkins University recently discovered that the extract derived from newly sprouted broccoli seeds reduced skin redness and damage by more than one third as compared to untreated skin. Six people were tested with different doses of the extract on several small patches of skin, which was then exposed to UV radiation sufficient to cause varying degrees of sunburn. At the highest doses, the extract reduced redness and swelling by approximately 37 percent. The benefits were long-lasting, with notable effects lasting two days after treatment. While sunscreen blocks, absorbs or scatters ultraviolet rays, the broccoli extract actually helped boost the production of protective enzymes that defend against UV damage.
Skin cancer is the most common cancer in the U.S., affecting more than 1 million Americans every year and causing more than 10,000 deaths per year. Scientists are hopeful that broccoli may play a role in protecting against UV exposure. So, by all means, load up on broccoli and its cruciferous relatives – cauliflower, kale, cabbage, brussels sprouts and bok choy.
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